Frequently Asked Questions
Veteran-owned small business employ more than 5 million people in the U.S. with an annual payroll of $195 billion dollars and sales reveneues of $1.14 trillion dollars!
Are there any grants to start a for-profit business?
Answered 3 years ago
No. Currently, the VBOC is unaware of specific grants for veterans, or anyone for that matter, to open a for-profit business. Typically, grants go to non-profit social services, research, and educational institutions. However, the VBOC advises anyone interested in grants to search and other financial publications for information. There might be state or local funding for small businesses where you intend to operate but be aware of and research thoroughly the legitimacy of any organizations stating they can “get you a grant” – these are usually scams! If the VBOC becomes aware of legitimate grants for veterans to start a business, this information will certainly be posted.
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Please contact NorCal VBOC with any questions.